Historical Restoration Services in Brooklyn NY

Looking to Restore a Historic Beauty?
Do you have a historical site that requires attention? Our historical preservation services in Brooklyn NY can offer complete preservation of historical landmarks & architectures. Our professionals can help you recover & revive delicate areas of your historical homes & commercial locations. Want a particular platform to be renewed by one of our exceptionally talented contractors? Here’s how we can help you renovate your existing historical site and transform its look entirely.
We can provide assistance with
Addition of New Floors to Existing Structures
Façade Preservation
& Restoration
Interior Demolition
& Retrofit
Modern Technology
New MEP & Elevators in Existing Structures
Relocation of Existing Historic Structures/Structural Support/Bracing
Are you a proud owner of a historical landmark or architecture which is wearing out?
Hire the Best Residential Historic Restoration Contractors in Brooklyn NY
The United States is home to a wealth of historic homes. These houses are the result of years and even centuries worth of architectural progress, each style unique in its own way. It takes an expert’s eye to find hidden beauty within these structures and therefore restoration of historic landmarks and properties can be a bit difficult but rewarding work that should never be underestimated.
Adir Contracting Group brings over a decade of experience in restoration and renovation to each project. The team at Adir Contracting is committed to providing custom interior finishes and bringing back the glory of historic architectural details. Their dedication shows in every project they take on, from replicating ornate interiors to restoring façades with a professional touch.

Why is historic building restoration important?
Saving historic buildings from demolition not only preserves our country’s past, but also provides a substantial economic benefit in the long term. The restoration of historical buildings is important for many reasons. Not only does it preserve valuable architecture and history itself, but there are also major benefits to the economy in local areas when these types of projects take place on an ongoing basis within them.
Why hiring a general contractor for historic renovation in Brooklyn is a great idea?
If you are planning a large renovation project, one involving major changes to the building structure or needing extensive construction work it may be best to hire an experienced general contractor. If this is your case then they will take care of every aspect involved in creating and maintaining their vision for the space including design, subcontracting tradespeople, managing permits, inspections etc.

Why Choose Adir Contracting for Historical Renovation in Brooklyn?
When it comes to the repair and restoration of historic structures, no one brings more experience than Adir’s team. We understand the importance of preserving our regions’ rich history, so we are able to apply our full spectrum of construction expertise to these unique projects every time. Our work in this area is vast—we may include new roofing or inserting steel columns into a building that might have been built hundreds of years ago. Additionally, we regularly perform masonry and window restoration as well as carpentry for historic buildings. With state-of-the art plumbing systems or HVAC units installed when needed throughout the project duration, Adir Contracting stands second to none.
There’s no other quite like Adir Contracting when it comes to historical renovations.
Frequently Asked Questions
To be considered “historic,” your house or building must make an important contribution to the history of a place, group or subject.
Historic places are usually old buildings that have some historical significance like being famous for their architecture and design; they can also hold significant memories about people who were historically influential in certain events.
Historic preservation increases property values and enables local businesses to stay in business, keeping main streets and downtowns economically viable. Heritage tourism is a powerful economic force that can be seen when historic character has been maintained.
Saving historic buildings from demolition not only preserves our country’s past, but also provides a substantial economic benefit in the long term.
The restoration of historical buildings is important for many reasons. Not only does it preserve valuable architecture and history itself, but there are also major benefits to the economy in local areas when these types of projects take place on an ongoing basis within them.
If you are planning a large renovation project, one involving major changes to the building structure or needing extensive construction work it may be best to hire an experienced general contractor. If this is your case then they will take care of every aspect involved in creating and maintaining their vision for the space including design, subcontracting tradespeople, managing permits, inspections etc.

Why believe in our general contractors in Brooklyn ny?
We’re the construction and program management experts you need when it comes to meeting your project goals on-time, within budget. We have a superior safety record that keeps projects moving forward smoothly with no problems or delays. When we work together through collaboration, innovative processes and an open dialogue about how best to meet your needs – you’ll be able to hit all of those critical milestones without any hiccups along the way!